Thursday, March 18, 2010

Prawn in Herbal broth

1 large knob of ginger (abt 4 inches), julienned
1 anise + 2 cloves
3 slices sweet 'dong gwai'
2-3 slices 'chuen gong' (optional)
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tbsp 'gei chee'
800 ml water / stock
1 tsp salt
1 handful soaked wood fungus (julienned)
2 tbsp oil
1.5 tbsp brandy + 1/2 tbsp shao xing (optional)
350-400 gm fresh prawn

Spring onions

Method :
1. Heat oil and saute ginger under low heat until soft and translucent. Add in anise and cloves.
2. Add in water / stock and bring to boil.
3.  Turn to lowest heat and add in all the other herbs, fungus, salt and pepper.
4. Simmer for at least 20 mins (covered)
5. Mix prawns (with shells) with brandy and wine and set aside.
6. 5 min prior to serving, bring the herbal broth to boil. Add in prawn and turn off heat immediately. Cover and leave it for a further 3 min (depending on size of prawn).
7. Ladle into a soup bowl and top with spring onions. Serve hot.

** Must do step six or the soup will not taste nice. Thus try to use large medium-large sized prawns.
*** If you're not using wine, use stock and reduce amount to 600-700 ml. Adjust salt accordingly.